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16 Jul 2018

কম্পিউটার প্রশিক্ষণে ভর্তি চলছে

রাজশাহীর গোদাগাড়ী উপজেলার প্রাণ কেন্দ্র ডাইংপাড়ায় অবস্থিত এস.কে কম্পিউটার ট্রেনিং সেন্টার। ২০০৫ সালে প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়েছে। প্রতিষ্ঠানটি অভিজ্ঞ শিক্ষকমন্ডলী দ্বারা কম্পিউটার শিখানো হয়। আপনি যদি ভালোমত কম্পিউটার শিখতে চান তাহলে এস.কে কম্পিউটারের বিকল্প নেই। তাই দেরী না করে জলদি করুন।

গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ সরকার, কারিগরি বোর্ড অনুমোদিত প্রতিষ্ঠান কোড নং ২৩৩৮৭

আমাদের কোর্স সমূহ:
*  অফিস এ্যাপলিকেশন
* ডাটাবেজ ইন প্রোগ্রামিং
* গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন
*  ওয়েবসাইট ডিজাইন
*  অনলাইন আউট সোর্সিং।

আমাদের অন্যান্য সেবাসমূহ:
* স্কুল, কলেজ, মাদরাসা, নিউজ পোর্টাল কিংবা যে কোন ধরনের ডাইনামিক ওয়েব সাইট ডিজাইন
* নিজস্ব সার্ভারে ডোমেইন
* নিজস্ব সার্ভারে হোস্টিং
* গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন
* বায়োমেট্রিক আইডি কার্ড তৈরী।

ভর্তির জন্য যোগাযোগ:
আব্দুল খালেক
এস.কে কম্পিউটার ট্রেনিং সেন্টার
থানা রোড, গোদাগাড়ী, রাজশাহী।
মোবাইল ০১৭২১০৩১৮৯৪ (পরিচালক)
০১৮৫৫৯৭৩৪৭৯ (রহমাত)

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09 Jul 2018
11 Jun 2017
01 May 2016

SK Computer | Training Programs | and Cost

 SK Computer | Training Programs | and Cost
1.    MS Word/ Excel/ Power Point  (Technical Education Board). [Fee: 3000 TK]
2.    Photoshop / Illustrator / Design  [ Fee: 6000 BDT ]
3.    Website Design [HTML / CSS / PHP: (WordPress)  [ Fee: 12000 BDT ]
4.    Website Design and [Photoshop /Illustrator [ Fee: 18000 BDT ]
5.    Basic Application [Microsoft Word, Excell, PowerPoint, Internet Using (with certificate)  [Fee: 3000 BDT]
6.    Basic Computing [Computer Hardware, Operating System, Microsoft Word, Excell, PowerPoint (with certificate) [ Fee: 3500 BDT ]
7.    Mack Money with freelancer/Out Sourcing, Freelancing, Internet Browsing, Email Creation, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , Blog Creation [ Fee: 5000 BDT ]

Microsoft Word
Program in education will require approximately 1 month. Basic Microsoft Word is taught with the content of each menu. Practical different subjects are taught. As a result, each student / student could have excelled. Our organization is involved in MS Word teaches many students in various professions.

Microsoft Excel
Excel is a application program. Excel is used for mathematical, statistical, scientific, graphics, tabulation, database and accounting purpose. It consists row and column. It has 256 columns and 65536 rows. Excel provides the ability to perform calculation, format reports, create charts (graphics), and even provides a simple database facility.

Microsoft PowerPoint 
Introduction MS PowerPoint, part of the Office 2000 suite, is a presentation graphics application. A presentation is a collection of slides, handouts, speaker’s notes, and outlines all in one file. You can add text, graphics, photos, clip art, and even sound and video to any slide. Power Point can help you present a topic at work, home. Parts of the Power Point Window.

Adobe Photoshop
This guide is designed to get you up and running with Adobe Photoshop! Whether you are new to Photoshop or just brushing up because you haven’t used it for awhile, this guide should help. Most of the material should be relevant regardless of the version of Photoshop you are using. This guide covers core Photoshop techniques in Photoshop CS5, but the user interface is pretty consistent from one version to another. Some features may work slightly differently, but the concepts are the same.

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe® Illustrator® is a professional quality graphic art program. Its applications are diverse, from creating print to web graphics and, for our purposes, posters. Although the program is complex and requires a significant amount of time to truly master, it is quite easy to learn the basics and create work with a professional appearance. Designing a poster does not require any special artistic talent or skills; it just requires having the patience to get acquainted with the program. <a href=”#” title=”As with most computer applications, I recommend using the trial-and-error methodology to figure out the intricacies of this program. You will make numerous mistakes, and frequently want to make changes. Thankfully Illustrator is equipped with an undo option. In fact, undo [Crtrl+Z] will become a very familiar action as you design your poster. This tutorial is very basic, because (as just mentioned), Illustrator is best mastered by actually using it. Use Illustrator’s help index whenever you need a question answered that is not addressed in this text. This tutorial is meant to assist you in making posters only! Many essential elements for creating graphic art have been purposely left out. Although this tutorial was made for use with the Windows® version only, almost everything (with only a few exceptions) is applicable to the Mac® version. It is also recommended that you create the general appearance of your poster first with pen and paper, so that you have a general idea of what you wish to accomplish on Illustrator.” border=”1″ alt=”skwebdesign”> Learn more.. </a>

 Web Design   
WEb Pages are written in HTML a simple scripting language, HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language. Basically HTML, CSS, PHP, Mysql, WordPress, Freelancer, Social Marketing, SEO and etc techies.

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01 May 2016

About SK Computer

SK Computer and Training Center established in 2005 people with highly reputation reflects the desire . When Godagari, just 5 minutes Chapai Nawabgonj was almost impossible to get a picture of the color. Digital methods that can be brought into Godagari “SK Computer”. Pictures of thousands of problems were resolved.
♦ Urgent Color Picture ♦ Arabic, English, Bangla, Urdu with us any Composed
♦ Graphics Design ♦ Banner, Logo, Visiting cord, calendar, Cash Memo, Pad, Poster, Hand bill and etc Design
♦ Web site design
♦ Blog Create.
♦ 6 Month Office Application and Database Computer training with certificate of Technical Education board. So far, hundreds of Students learned the job from the Computer.
♦ My future is expected to- The younger generation in Modern education in the era of globalization. Computer to computer literacy students in about 15/20 per Session. We are always ready to give all kinds of computer services . Thank you.

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